authentication key

The authentication of the API calls is made with a Bearer token. To authenticate your requests a header entry specifying the authentication of the request should be added. To quickly allow you to identify your records each token has an id which is the first number before the pipe, so if your key starts with 12 the records that his token_id is equal to 12 are your records.

All tokens allow the users to retrieve (GET) and create (POST) db records as you please, but you only can modify (PUT) or delete (DELETE) records created with the same authentication token that is used to make the call. The column token_id of the db tables shows the id of the token used to create the record.

The endpoint of the API is Remember that requests to the API also has to include the Accept: application/json header and the authentication header that, in this case, looks like this: Authorization: Bearer {{token provided}}. Tokens will be valid for 24 hours.


api documentation

The documentation of the API is where you can see all endpoints and how to interact with everyone of them. The documentation was made with Swagger using the composer package darkaonline/l5-swagger. This kind of documentation allows you to authenticate yourself with the provided token and to make real API calls. Then the changes that you make to the db can be seen in the below db content section.

db content

table: people

Holds people information.

id name birthday token_id created_at updated_at
1 roger 17/11/1989 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
2 magda 27/10/1994 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
3 John Wick 30/05/1980 1 24/04/2023 18:15:26 24/04/2023 18:15:26

table: pets

Holds pets information.

id name pet_type_id token_id created_at updated_at
1 yuno 1 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
2 arya 1 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
4 Charlie 1 28 04/05/2023 09:03:21 04/05/2023 09:03:21

table: pet_types

Holds pet types information.

id name token_id created_at updated_at
1 cat 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
2 dog 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
3 tortoise 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
4 parrot 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21

table: person_pet

Holds the relations between people and pets.

id person_id pet_id adopted token_id created_at updated_at
1 1 1 05/03/2013 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21
2 2 2 13/05/2015 0 24/04/2023 18:13:21 24/04/2023 18:13:21